It the time of its creation, some 700 years ago, the new town was only made up of a few simple houses. It was the old town in particular that held the real flair and excitement of the time. It was shielded by a mighty town wall and could only be accessed through the St.-Jörgen-Tor (Saint Jörgen Gate). Nowadays, the beginning of Herzog-Friedrich Straße (Herzog-Friedrich Street), which leads to the Golden Roof, can be found at that location.
Strolling, shopping, sitting in street cafés, and meeting friends are common activities here these days. Maria-Theresien-Straße (Maria-Theresien Street) lets you wonder at pompous Baroque-styled buildings and enjoy the cityscape at the same time. Renowned for the Tyrol department store and many other interesting businesses along the street itself, Maria-Theresien-Straße is a shopping hot spot in Tirol, for both locals and tourists.